God is Love

By Douglas Powell/Roscoe Burnems

God is Love

By Douglas Powell/Roscoe Burnems 


IG @roscoeburnems


I want that real love

A love that finds tomorrow in today

A love that finds forever in tomorrow

A love that feels like friendship

Type of friend that kind that gives you a stick of gum when your breath is tart

fixes your hair when it’s a hot mess

A friendship that always feels like the beginning of fo something beautiful

In the beginning was the word,

and the word was God, and the word was with God.

So when speaking these words, 

this isn’t poetic rhetoric, 

this is me trying to get back to the sentence from which I was created.



Love is two or three different more concrete emotions

all rolled into one mass,

combined with flesh and speech to create man.

Because in the beginning was the word,

and the word was “Love”.

Because God is Love

So, I love you the way God does.

Like forever, with no end,

because "God" or "love" is infinite.

And we were made in this image of infinite love.


So in a search to find myself

not only had I never left,

but I was looking in the eye of I

the entire time,

waiting on me to speak the words.

So the God in me could be revealed

This is self-love.

Which is what you need first before you find God in someone else.

So here's some questions...


If God sees all, how can Love be blind?


If i'm looking for a true love, does that mean i'm looking for a true God?

if in fact God is Love.


If God is love and this is true,

Why do we look up to find God

but fall into Love,

When did we learn to separate the two?

Or if we "make Love"

have we "formed God" in the room?

Is this the never before explained immaculate conception of God?

An intercourse of universes

colliding, planet first

emitting bursts of energy so far beyond known

to flesh and bone

that we put it on a throne;

I've only known Love to be that powerful.

It changed the way I pray,


Dear Love, I god you.


Guide me as only you  could

so many run from you and mistreat the vessels in which you are contained

because they are told to fear God

which makes them fear Love

so they go through life never being able to understand God

never being able to feel Love. 

Even church told me to fear God and I asked why? How?

How do i love you and fear you at the same time?

it didn't make sense

so i had to be "born again"

I was dying to find you.

so many have died to find you


often we are too far gone.

So far gone, we can't see where God is anymore.

This is why we look for Love in all the wrong places.

In hopes everyone finds their one true God,

in Love's name I pray,


Douglas Powell/Roscoe Burnems