We Need to Talk
By Monica Edwards
We Need to Talk | By Monica Edwards
I want a safe house
A house with a panic room
Mi casa es su casa
I need a room to place my nerves
A space where my son’s place their black boy magic,
Casts spells over their pain.
This room of collections, a gathering of ideas placed back-to-back,
Etched in stone for others to see.
These walls needs to remain safe
Home should be the last place I fear
Aura Rosser knows fear, and knows how it feels to become a brick laid to rest.
A tower of strong lifeless brown bodies
Late November, her body harden into clay , fired upon before she could identify her attacker to the police.
Sometimes I am afraid
I will be a fallen foundation;
A crumbling brick wall designed to shield my children
Reminding them of their own brown bodies
Both can be fired upon and hardened.
I want a panic room
So they can scream their fears
Where they can still be soft clay
And are not broken by police brutality.
At any moment, my boys know
I could be the next Breonna Taylor
laying in bed with my youngest because he had a bad dream
And pow! Society's assumptions fire through my door.
My peace is broken in ways
My boys can’t put back together
Murder can do that
Sometimes I panic in this room.
It’s me standing between them and the world
Pressed against my fear of not raising my boys to men
Police tape turned blindfold, turned noose
I want a panic room of joy and distractions
From a world that is nothing like it seems.
Floyd seemed scared
Murder will do that
A lot of conversations should happen if brown and black bodies mattered
When will my anxiety not feel like bricks on my back
stuck between a rock and a hard place to live
I don’t want my sons in a hard place
This country is all panic attack and no room to breathe
As a brown woman
Society shouldn’t make me feel
like a stone
It takes a village not a wall.
United we stand but only when we are included in we
The writing is on the walls
Like scars waiting to be talked about
How many times do I have to be resilient
before you realize this isn’t working
We have to protect each other.
Have each other's back
when this country has our backs against the wall
No room.
Just panic
Monica Edwards
“I want a safe house
A house with a panic room
Mi casa es su casa
I need a room to place my nerves
A space where my son’s place their black boy magic,
Casts spells over their pain.
This room of collections, a gathering of ideas placed back-to-back,
Etched in stone for others to see.”